Position Summary
Theclinical nurse coordinates and performs a variety of nursing care proceduresfor patients of all ages, requiring professional knowledge and consideration ofspecific patient conditions and treatments; and the ability to workindependently in completing assignments. Guidelines include provider’s orders;standards of care, nursing policies and procedures manuals, hospital policies,and nursing duties include support to individuals of all ages and theirfamilies.
Clinicaldecisions are made independently during the scheduled shift; maintains completeaccountability for all actions taken. Consults with the appropriatemanager/supervisor and/or ancillary department in difficult situationsrequiring additional input or resources. Able to react in a calm manner and make sound nursing judgments in an emergentsituation. Accountable for properdelegation and supervision of CNA/Tech.
· Promotes the SEARHC Seven Standards of Excellence;implements safe, therapeutic and efficient care for patients with needs due tomultisystem disease and/or complications of treatment using appropriateinfection control measures; sets priorities for care of patients based onacuity and/or patients’ preference; anticipates potential problems; adapts tochange in the area by setting priorities for emergencies; changes in patientstatus and unusual occurrences; initiates, manages and documents the nursingprocedures consistent with scientific principle and departmental policy;demonstrates knowledge of equipment use; accurately administers age-specificmedications and therapeutics; carries out the medical and nursing care plan andcoordinates patient care activities with physicians and other healthcare teammembers; initiates action to reduce, correct or prevent immediate, ongoing orpotential risks to the patient; facilitates healing by providing nursing carethat is individualized, goal oriented, based on scientific principles and thenursing process; seeks out resources when beyond the scope of skill, knowledgeor experience, explains tests, procedures and disease process topatient/significant others; follows through on nursing care plans by teachingand demonstrating skills essential for understanding and coping with illnessand promoting optimal health; communicates and interacts withpatient/significant others in a positive and supportive way; providescounseling using emotional, intellectual and psychological supports andutilizes other healthcare professionals in dealing with psychosocial problemsif needed; takes steps to decrease stress and/or increase effectiveness ofcoping mechanisms of patient/significant others; evaluates patient’s progressor lack of progress towards goals, directing new goal setting and implementingrevised patient care plans as directed by reassessment; documents the patient’sresponse to care; closes out patient care plan by discharge (with instructions)or has in place an after care plan to meet the patient’s needs. Assures confidentiality of patientinformation.
· Accomplishes nursing assessment throughinterviewing, observation and nursing process; obtains, interprets and appliesage-related (pediatric, adult and geriatric) patient information terms ofcognitive, physical, emotional and normal growth/development needs of thepatient; completes thorough Nursing Admission Databases/initial patientassessment; documents assessment findings that are consistent with otherproviders and include review of body systems, laboratory results, diagnosticfindings, chart reviews and inter disciplinary input; identifies problems andnursing diagnosis by recognizing the impact of health problems on patients andfamilies; distinguishes between normal and abnormal assessments in order toidentify patient capabilities and limitations including psychosocial risks,utilizes resources to assess patients with conditions that are new, unfamiliaror not commonly seen. Shall performduties as assigned and insure quality patient care despite the situationencountered, be it routine or emergent. Develops and contributes to a plan of nursing action based on existingand potential patient problems and obtainable patient responses which aremutually acceptable to the healthcare team; transcribes and notes physicianorders accurately, utilizes past experience to provide a range of options fornursing care; initiates patient care plans using patient care standards;addresses identified nursing diagnosis and coordinates the plan with thehealthcare team by using methods that include interventions, goals and timeframes; utilizes resources to formulate a written plan of care; documentsreassessments which include laboratory results, diagnostic findings,interdisciplinary notes and documented patient observations; gives shift reportaccording to guidelines. Other duties asassigned.
· Impartseducational knowledge to develop skills to enhance decision making and promoteunderstanding by interacting with patients, family, staff and community;engages in ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching in terms ofpatient understanding and behavioral outcomes; organizes and participates inpatient care conferences as applicable; identifies staff, patient and familyneeds and develops a plan for education and/or makes appropriate referrals;develops/implements educational programs and learning aids in the department(i.e. in-services, special projects, learning aides, patient care standards);documents education accurately and completely; provides discharge patientinformation; participate in in-services and educational programs in thedepartment, hospital and/or community as assigned; ACLS, PALS, TNCC/ATCN, and NRP certified(depending on specialty area) within the first 6 months of employment andbi-annually thereafter; completes all mandatory training and competency checks;utilizes opportunities for incidental teaching with staff members.
· Communicates with staff, patients, significantothers and other members of the healthcare team in a way that is supportive,constructive and positive; givesfeedback to other staff and healthcare team members in regard to behavior thatdoes not support achievement; assists in the orientation of new staff,travelers and students by sharing knowledge, experience and verbalencouragement; guides others in choosing nursing intervention, developingskills and applying knowledge; follows and directs others to follow corporate,hospital and departmental policies, procedures and patient care standards; supportsthe area and overall Nursing services mission by assigning staff to productivetasks and floating to other units as needed; provides input regarding the needfor change in policies, procedures and patient care standards able to performas Contact RN leading assigned RNs and CNAs and accomplishes all assignedpatient care and area support activities during the shift.
· Attends and participates in at least 50% ofdepartmental staff meetings; applies information presented in staff meetings;participates in unit goal setting; complies with area and departmentalscheduling guidelines; initiates discussion with nurse manager regarding areaor department issues; completes annual competencies, evaluation material,maintains certification sand licensure; complies with dress code; refersun-resolved problems with patients/visitors/co-workers to Nurse Manager orAdministrative Manger for resolution, addresses employee concerns consistentwith Human Resources policy.
Baseline Qualifications
Education required to obtain a valid, current, full and unrestricted RN license in the State of Alaska
· One-yearclinical nurse experience preferred
· Priorexperience in the area of specialty is preferred
Valid, current, full and unrestricted RN license in the State of Alaska
Must have BLS and PALS upon hire, ACLS must be obtained within 6 months of hire date
Knowledge, Skills& Abilities:
· Knowledgeof nursing care principles, practices, diagnosis and processes (assessment,planning, implementation and evaluation) including specialty areas whenappropriate, to provide professional nursing care to patients.
· Competencyto recognize emergently ill patients and adverse signs and symptoms and to actpromptly in emergency situations.
· Knowledgeof general pharmaceuticals, their desired effects, side effects andcomplications in their use. For specialty nursing units, knowledge shouldinclude the medication used in to area.
· Skillsto apply scientific principles in operating and monitoring of basic medicalequipment (ex: defibrillator, monitors, beds/lifts, etc.), Specialty areaequipment might also include chest tube set up, immobilization, EKG machines, ventilators,etc.
· Specialtyareas will require proficiency in assisting with emergency procedures (i.e.intubations, arterial line set up, arterial blood gas puncture, thoracentesis,lavage, etc.).
· Oraland written communication skills, can enter and retrieve patient dataaccurately, can verbally communicate findings with healthcare team.
· Abilityto provide guidance, leadership and work cooperatively with others byestablishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships with patients,visitors and other healthcare team members.
· Abilityto implement appropriate nursing therapeutic interventions based on theknowledge of a wide variety of nursing diagnosis, evidenced based practice,medical and psychosocial disorders, the normal courses of disease andanticipated complications.
· Abilityto recognize adverse signs and symptoms, which are not always apparent and to intervenepromptly in emergency situations including the implementation of life savingprocedures.
Shift: 12 hour shifts. may need to cover day or night shift.
Specialty Type: Nursing
Sub Specialties: Ambulatory Care, Emergency Room Nurse
General Certifications: Nursing Certifications(CPI ,ENPC,RNFA,TNCC,AWHONN,NIHSS,STABLE,ASLS,NBSTSA)
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